2+ years working at Stellar Elements (formerly projekt202) design agency
Time Frame:
June 2022 - Present
My Role:
UX/UI Designer
Featured Skills:
Concept UX Design
Visual UI Design
The Project
2+ years working at Stellar Elements and their parent company, Amdocs.
I help Amdocs create a white label internal tool used by telecom salespeople.
I help Stellar Elements customize this white label tool for a major telecom company client.
Salespeople use this tool while selling telecom products (internet, phone and cable) to customers over the phone.
The goal is to improve the tool so salespeople can input customer internet and cable orders more quickly, leading to an increase in sales.
The Setup
I work directly with a team of 6 and collaborate with multiple teams abroad across 6 timezones.
Tools/programs: Figma, Jira, Zoom, Outlook, Teams, Slack, Airtable, Confluence
The Highlights/Contributions
High fidelity pattern library creation and management in Figma.
Involvement with design features for 3 different versions/releases.
I’ve become the expert on everything related to promotions designs, how they function, are presented in the UI and communicated to Users. See Detailed Case Study
Helped to improve the working relationship between teams and how UX is represented in the project workflows.
Worked with 7 amazing designers, helped on-board many new members. Became a constant and familiar face to the client and partnering teams.
Navigating the Team Dynamics
I gained experience in:
Deliverables I Created
Rapid prototyping
High fidelity
Logistics diagrams
Design specifications
Figma file organization
Figma component creation
E-commerce UX/UI design patterns:
Search / filters
Product descriptions
Product comparison
UI Design Samples
Designs have been adjusted to respect the privacy of the client.
Select Offers Screen
Drawer at bottom allows Salespeople to compare offers
Configure Offers Screen
Promotions table displayed for a service
Lessons Learned
Clear communication is crucial when you're juggling the design of both a white label generic tool and a customized version for a client.
Keep presenting the most optimal UX design, but expect project limitations and have backup designs ready to present as 2nd and 3rd choices.
Avoid long design documentation or prototypes, keep things concise and point out major updates/design changes so they are easy to follow.